WebDAV Server - Distributed Authoring and Versioning

Enhanced Document Management with infoRouter WebDAV

WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is an industry-standard protocol that extends the capabilities of HTTP, enabling collaborative editing and management of files on remote servers. Pioneered by Jim Whitehead, WebDAV allows for seamless interactions with remote file systems over the web. By implementing a fully compliant WebDAV server, infoRouter empowers users to edit remote files directly from their desktops without the need for manual downloading and uploading.

Seamless Desktop Integration

With infoRouter's WebDAV server:

  • Mount as Network Drive: Users can mount infoRouter as a remote filesystem onto Windows Explorer or Mac Finder, treating it as a network drive. This feature allows direct interaction with infoRouter from your desktop environment.
  • Direct Editing of Remote Files: Simply click on the "Edit" menu item or double-click documents like Microsoft Word files from within your file manager. This transforms your desktop into a file system client, enabling direct interactions with the file system on remote servers.
  • Drag and Drop Functionality: Upload new documents or move files effortlessly by dragging and dropping them into your infoRouter folders, simplifying file operations and enhancing productivity.
  • Full Folder Access: All folders, child folders, and contents of folders are displayed, allowing intuitive navigation and management of your documents.

Simplified File Operations and Access

  • Efficient File Transfers: Eliminate the need for manual file transfers or outdated file transfer protocols like FTP. Open, edit, and save documents directly to infoRouter without extra steps.
  • Unified File Access: Access your documents stored on remote web servers seamlessly through your native file manager, treating remote directories as if they were local.
  • Consistent File Operations: Perform standard file operations—like copy, move, and rename—on documents within infoRouter, just as you would on a remote network share.

Collaborative Editing and Version Control

  • Real-Time Collaboration: Multiple authorized users can work on documents simultaneously, enhancing teamwork through collaborative authoring.
  • Built-In Version Control: All edits are tracked, allowing you to access previous versions and maintain a history of changes.

Secure and Controlled Access

  • Seamless Login and Permissions: Use your existing infoRouter credentials to log in, ensuring that the same security and permissions are reflected in WebDAV. This maintains consistent access control policies across platforms.
  • RFC 2518 Compliant: infoRouter's WebDAV server adheres to industry standards as defined by WebDAV.org, ensuring reliable and secure document management.
  • Enhanced Security: Eliminates the need for outdated protocols like FTP, reducing vulnerabilities and simplifying your workflow.

Benefits of Using infoRouter's WebDAV Server

  • Platform Independence: Access and manage documents from any operating system—Windows, Mac, or Linux.
  • Efficient Workflow: Edit and save documents directly without the extra steps of downloading and uploading, streamlining file transfers.
  • Consistent Business Rules: Enforces the same document management policies you've established in infoRouter.
  • User-Friendly Interface: An alternative to the traditional infoRouter front-end, providing a more intuitive user experience through your native file manager.
  • Remote Network Share Functionality: Access infoRouter repositories as remote network shares, simplifying file access and management.

What Software or Applications Support WebDAV?

WebDAV is widely supported across various platforms and applications, enhancing its utility and accessibility:

  • Operating Systems:
    • Windows Explorer: Natively supports WebDAV, allowing you to map infoRouter as a network drive.
    • macOS Finder: Enables mounting of WebDAV servers for seamless file access.
    • Linux File Managers: Applications like Nautilus and Dolphin support WebDAV for easy integration.
  • Office Applications:
    • Microsoft Office Suite: Programs like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint allow direct opening and saving of documents over WebDAV.
    • LibreOffice and OpenOffice: Open-source alternatives that support WebDAV protocols.
  • File Management Tools:
    • Cyberduck: A robust, multi-platform file manager supporting WebDAV, FTP, and other protocols.
    • WinSCP: A Windows client that facilitates secure file transfers over WebDAV.
    • Transmit: A macOS application for managing files over various protocols, including WebDAV.
    • WebDrive: Maps WebDAV servers as local drives on both Windows and macOS.
  • Development and Collaboration Tools:
    • Adobe Dreamweaver: Supports WebDAV for direct editing of web content on remote servers.
    • Eclipse with WebDAV Plugins: Allows developers to access and edit files over WebDAV.
    • Cadaver: A command-line WebDAV client for Unix/Linux systems.
  • Mobile Applications:
    • Documents by Readdle (iOS): Enables iPhone and iPad users to access WebDAV servers.
    • WebDAV Navigator (Android/iOS): Allows mobile access to WebDAV servers for file management.

These tools and applications facilitate easy access to infoRouter via WebDAV, enhancing productivity by allowing you to work with remote files as if they were on your local machine.

Key Features at a Glance

  • Mount as Network Drive: Access infoRouter as a network drive within Windows Explorer or Mac Finder.
  • Collaborative Authoring: Support for multiple users editing documents simultaneously.
  • Seamless Login: Use your existing infoRouter credentials to access documents via WebDAV.
  • Full Folder Access: All folders, child folders, and their contents are displayed and accessible.

Learn More

Discover how infoRouter's WebDAV integration can transform your document management process. Visit the Official WebDAV Website for more information on the protocol and its advantages.

Experience the power of seamless document editing and management with infoRouter's WebDAV server—streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity across your organization by simplifying file operations on remote directories through advanced file system client capabilities.