infoRouter Records Management Software

infoRouter Records management features and tools allow you to control your vital records at every stage of the document lifecycle. By gathering all your records in a centrally controlled document warehouse, various software solutions from infoRouter ensure that your data is safe and can be accessed at a moment's notice.

Key features:

  • Document capture
  • Classification Schemes
  • Advanced search tools
  • Multiple Document Retrieval tools
  • Retention and Disposition
  • Support for many different types of records

Being able to Retain and Archive Records is not an option. If you handle sensitive data or work in a regulated environment, it is a requirement.

Compliance with Regulatory requirements

infoRouter maximizes the safety of your important files while enabling you to comply with regulatory guidelines or agencies such as:

  • Sarbanes-Oxley Act
  • ISO Document Control and Certification
  • SEC
  • DoD 5015.2 Records Management software guidelines
  • Victorian Electronic Records Strategy (VERS), an Australian initiative headed by the Public Records Office.

Click here for more information on Regulatory Compliance.

Cut Through the Records Management Dilemma

Records management presents a familiar dilemma: you need to keep your documents confidential, yet in case of an inquiry, court order, or industry audit, you also must furnish evidence of accountability and transparency.

infoRouter cuts through this dilemma by providing you with the best of both worlds: it keeps your files safe and confidential while maintaining a perfect record of accountability. That's why many companies and local governments worldwide rely on infoRouter to quickly capture, manage, route, and process business records.

Over 75 municipalities in Australia use infoRouter records management solution to manage their day-to-day records. infoRouter makes them efficient, but it also keeps them compliant with VERS.

Records Management the infoRouter Way

infoRouter electronic records management system allows the timely logging, scanning, routing, and managing your incoming digital files and all electronic records. In addition, you can assign specific tasks, workflows, and even ad-hoc tasks to business records to ensure they are processed according to pre-determined business processes. This built-in systemic feature to enforce guidelines helps you keep on the safe side of the law and prevent regulatory compliance headaches.

Features and Benefits in a Nutshell

  • Safe Records Storage while keeping storage costs to a minimum.
  • Full access controls
  • Records Retention Schedules
  • Records Destruction (Disposition)
  • Records classification schemes
  • Legal Hold functionality
  • E-Discovery functionality
  • Defensible Solutions features and functionality to stay compliant with regulation and industry standards.
  • Efficient access management
  • Supports for all electronic documents and file formats such as PDF files, Word documents, Excel files even audio and video.
  • Advanced features to automate repetitive functions.
  • Military-grade document security
  • Online access for remote workers.

Enhance your records lifecycle management with infoRouter, your single platform for a comprehensive records management solution. Our document management software ensures that each stage of the records lifecycle, from document capture and creation to disposition, is handled with efficiency and regulatory compliance. The robust version history feature enables you to track changes and maintain an audit trail for your electronic files, ensuring transparency and accountability. infoRouter records management functions are designed to provide seamless lifecycle management, ensuring your organization stays compliant and your data remains secure.

The infoRouter API allows you to interface with your business applications creating business solutions for you and your customers while keeping in compliance with regulations and regulatory bodies.