infoRouter Folder Management with Smart Folders

Advanced Folder Management (Smart Folders)

infoRouter’s Advanced Folder Management, including its Smart Folders feature, offers a powerful and flexible way to organize and control access to your documents. Folders serve as the core structure for storing files in a wide variety of formats, enabling users to create a logical, nested system of document libraries. What sets infoRouter apart is its ability to apply custom rules, security settings, and personalization features to folders, giving you full control over how documents are organized, accessed, and managed.

With configurable folder management rules, infoRouter allows users to automate actions such as prompting for metadata (Custom Properties) when new documents are created, inheriting security permissions, and subscribing to folder updates. Folder-specific features like audit trails, statistics, and compacting make it easier to manage document versions and monitor activity. Smart Folders further enhance user experience by remembering personalization preferences such as view types, sorting options, and more, ensuring a seamless and intuitive document management process.

Folder Rules - Configuration Management

Smart folders in infoRouter are essentially enhanced folders equipped with customizable rules that extend their functionality beyond standard folder behavior. By using folder rules, administrators can set specific parameters that dictate how a folder operates, providing more control over document management.

For instance, rules can be set to restrict certain actions, such as preventing new folder creation, folder deletion, or document check-ins and check-outs. These rules ensure that folder structure, content, and security remain intact, even when users have permissions that would normally allow those actions. Other rules enable fine-tuned control over file management by restricting document formats, disallowing document deletions, or enforcing classified document management.

In addition, folder rules offer display control features, such as setting a default or mandatory view style, ensuring a consistent visual layout across user experiences. Furthermore, custom properties can be set to prompt automatically when creating new documents, making it easier to gather necessary metadata at the time of document creation.

One important aspect of folder rules is their ability to be inherited by sub-folders. However, if rules are applied after sub-folders are already created, they won’t automatically propagate unless specifically configured to do so. This inheritance feature allows for efficient management of folder hierarchies while maintaining consistent rules across an entire structure.

In summary, smart folders in infoRouter empower users with advanced folder management capabilities, allowing for tailored control, security, and document handling that fits the specific needs of an organization.

  • Configurable Folder Management Rules
  • Automatic Custom Property prompts for new documents.
  • Folder Based Security - Inheritable security permissions.
  • Folder Subscriptions and subscription notifications
  • Folder Audit Trails.
  • Folder Statistics.
  • Folder Compacting. An effective management tool to handle excessive version counts.
  • Alternative document list view types (List, Details, Comments, Workflows, Thumbnails, Versions, View Log).
  • Folder Custom Properties to assist in folder classification and advanced search. Multiple property sets can be applied multiple times to folders.
  • Smart Folders remember user personalization's and preferences (columns, sort orders, view types etc.)
  • Supports a nested "folder" storage and retrieval model, similar to a standard file system
  • Allows more than one "Root" folder (Document Libraries).
  • Allows renaming and moving of folders without losing history of documents within the folder.
  • Sets no limit on the number of folders.

To find out more about Folder Management in infoRouter, visit our help pages that explain Working with Folders in detail.