Document Management Software loved by 400,000+ users and counting

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Don't just push documents around, Manage them! Schedule a Demo

What is infoRouter Document Management Software?

It's a powerful and integrated document management software solution to manage all your documents; all the files necessary for the success of your organization. The more documents you have, the more you need reliable, scalable, and fast document management system like infoRouter.

infoRouter will help you manage your limited resources effectively by automating the most difficult tasks associated with version control, imaging, document indexing, electronic forms, document delivery, document retrieval, searching and finding relevant content, routing documents for approval (workflow), and creating custom portals for your staff, customers and business partners.

It can also help reduce your risk and costs associated with e-discovery and a growing number of regulatory compliance and Corporate Governance processes related to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, HIPAA, ISO Document Control and Certification, SEC, and DoD 5015.2 Records Management guidelines.

infoRouter includes Workflow, Document Routing, Electronic Forms, Scanning, Storage, Archiving, Indexing and Records Management modules under a single integrated document management software suite.

Who is it for?

infoRouter is a scalable document management system that can help small to medium-sized businesses take their business performance to the next level. infoRouter is also the document management software of choice for many multinational companies and government agencies worldwide.

It is simple to implement and intuitive to use. It is perfect for small to medium-sized companies looking for departmental solutions or large-scale environments with thousands of users and millions of documents.

Why is it better?

Our customers reduce their costs and gain significant improvements over their existing methods without changing how they work. infoRouter will adapt to your existing workflows and can dramatically improve the way you deal with documents by providing the tools you need in your day-to-day activities.

Click here to read about the reasons to choose infoRouter

Is it easy to implement?

Ridiculously easy! Unlike other enterprise-class document management systems, you do not need an army of expensive consultants to implement infoRouter. You should be up and running in just a few hours.

You'll be surprised how easy it will be to roll out this document management software to your entire organization.

It doesn’t get any easier than this!

What will it do for you?

infoRouter can automate your business processes using the built-in business process automation (BPM) and workflow tools to drive efficiency and productivity.

infoRouter's Document Capture Automation provides an efficient way to capture all kinds of documents in electronic form. You can digitize paper documents (scanning), create digital content using the built-in tools, or upload desktop documents to the central document warehouse. So whether you work in paper documents, forms, records, pictures, audio, video, images, scanned documents, or office documents such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, infoRouter can manage any type of document or file in its native format.

infoRouter also offers many tools to help in Document Assembly and Document Delivery. For example, you can create flexible forms to create content or capture data quickly using the Forms Management module. In addition, the built-in delivery mechanism ensures that all the stakeholders are informed when documents are created, updated, and approved.

Full-text search and document indexing offer the ability to find documents within seconds. Content search, Saved search, Category search, and advanced metasearch are just a few ways you can access your documents whenever you need them. It also ensures that the correct version of the document is delivered to avoid confusion and errors, which is a common problem in many businesses.

To gain a competitive edge, you must make the decision to invest in an industrial-strength document management system like infoRouter to organize, store, secure, safely share and manage your enterprise content and documents. Allow us to show you why we are so confident that infoRouter will be able to transform the way you handle the flow of information. infoRouter will change the way you look at enterprise document management software.


The infoRouter web services API allows your in-house applications to access infoRouter. You can build interfaces to infoRouter from your internal systems and exchange data to automate your critical business processes. For example, route your invoices to the right people to build an effective AP Automation solution or route incoming documents and emails so no important document gets stuck in someone's inbox. Call to ask us about the many solutions our customers have implemented. Click here to learn more about the infoRouter web services API.

  • Integrate with your existing office software
  • Retrieve critical business content with sub-second searches
  • Capture documents in a flash
  • Scan and digitize paper documents
  • Track and audit every single page
  • Automate your daily routine
  • (Get a raise. Leave office early. Smell the roses!)

Take the first step! Get an Instant Quote


We love our customers and our customers love us
  • "Thank you for being so prompt and efficient with your support and assistance. Of late I have seldom had the experience to interact with vendors and support personnel with your pronounced sense of pride and dedication, thank you!"

    Norman Richardson, Carquest.
  • "We serve hundreds of users across multiple offices around the globe. Collaborating on engineering documents so effectively would not have been possible without infoRouter."

    Kim Waller Chemtex International, Inc.
  • "Our implementation of infoRouter is fast, easy to manage and user friendly. The response from our end users is positive and the support staff at Active Innovations is very responsive to our requests. We use infoRouter for document management, keeping track of records and version control."

    Robert D'Amato, Sr. Help Desk Analyst, RS Information Systems, Inc.
  • "Tremendous improvement in our workflow. Mistakes are down to a minimum. We can now get much more done in far less time."

    Glen Marshall. Lockheed Martin Graphics & Proposal Development Center.
  • "I have just completed my first proposal using infoRouter and the system is fantastic. It allowed us to make sure we had the latest and greatest copy of everything. It eliminated configuration control problems. It allowed us to enforce cut-offs. The engineers love it. I feel like a kid at Christmas"

    John J. Meehan, Rockwell Collins Proposal Center
  • "The response from our users has been overwhelmingly positive. The learning curve is minimal, and the benefits are obvious to all."

    Robert Conway, Manager of Internet Communications. Xelus, Inc.

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